Tuesday 9 June 2009

Unit 29: Advertisement production for television

Task 1:

In this advert, the following lines of appeal, taken from Gillian Dyers theory, are Successful carers, Self Importance, beautiful women and experts. Whilst Hermerens theory of persuasion has been cleverly used by presenting the audience with Star Power and reward power. Having Jessica Simpson present the advert immediately ties the product to a celebrity, instantly making it a highly wanted item. The fact that she talks to the audience about her self and day to day life and skin troubles creates a personal identity with the audience from the uses and gratification theory. Whilst reward power is used by having the expert talk about the product itself and its benefits. With Jessica Simpson being used in the ad, the target audience for this ad is any from 12+
The music bed for the advert is very fun and mellow, much like the celebrity used. Jessica Simpson talks casually to the audience to help connect and identify with them, whilst the expert comes across as a bit more formal and serious due to her explaining what the product does exactly. This is done so the audience will take the product seriously. From Todderovs theory, Jessica Simpson comes across as the damsel due to her spots whilst the expert is presented as the hero due to her giving Jessica Simpson the product.

Task 2:

The L’Oreal advert featuring Cheryl Cole effectively uses a range of narrative structures, Which sells the shampoo to the best of its ability. Cheryl Cole is represented as the hero of this advert due to her “finding” this new shampoo that solves the problem to damaged hair by using Vladimir Propps narrative theory. The overall advert is presented with a disruption, followed by a resolution. This allows the advert to advertise it’s product in a short matter of time and talk about its effects and how it can help your hair. The use of Cheryl Cole being presented as the “Hero” of this piece automatically uses star power and ties Cheryl Cole to the product, allowing women to create a personal identity with her. The voiceover man in the advert represents expert power, and talks about the scientific side of this shampoo, making it sound like a more professional salon like product. Reward power has been put in place by telling the audience that this product gives you silky smooth touchable hair. The advert comes across as a realist advert due to it being an everyday household item and to make it appeal to a wide audience range. The advert is also displayed in a linear order to keep it short and simple for the audience to understand. It is presented as a one off advert as opposed to it being part of a long line of adverts that all together tell a story. This could make the product and advert itself more exclusive and may stop it from getting stale, therefore stopping the audience from becoming bored with the advert and product. When talking about Gillian Dyers theory about lines of appeal: Beautiful women, elite people and experts have been used.

The Guinness advert promotes its pint by having the story line as non-linear. We are first introduced to three guys, who after drinking a pint of Guinness, are taken back in time back to prehistoric days with them as small fish. This refers to the fact that it takes two minutes to pull a pint of Guinness. The advert has played on the theory of evolution to send out the message that Guinness is worth the wait. This makes this product sound more exclusive by telling the audience that Guinness is so good that the wait is worth it. Unlike the previous advert, Propps theory hasn't been used. We aren't introduced to a Villain, Hero or helper. Nor are we shown Todorov's theory of the story having an Equilibrium, disruption and resolution. There is however a narrative pattern with the story being about a journey. The journey of life and how long they had to wait to drink the pint of Guinness. The advert is displayed as being anti realist, To perhaps show that drinking this drink helps you get away from every day life. From Gillian Dyers theory of lines of appeal, this advert uses the natural world. This makes the Pint come across as more masculine, helping it appeal more to men. Whilst reward power is used by telling the audience that the drink is well worth the wait and you will feel great after it.

Task 3:

The style of the GHD advert is a parody/homage, due to it being inspired from Rapunzel. A young girl is seen in a tower whilst a man tries to save her. The woman is presented as the damsel with the guy being the hero, much like the original fairy tale. However the twist of the advert is that the woman doesn't need a hero and saves herself by using her GHD's to style her hair; causing a distraction that allows her to escape. With the tag line being "You can do anything with you hair" The message sets across that no matter what type of hair, you can use your GHDs to create a nice style. This is further anchored by using a fairy tale which is old and classic. The style of the advert comes across as very immaculate and clean with The beautiful people and a luxurious/grand location, making the advert come across as a high end product. the overall styles put together clearly suggest that the target audience is for women from around 13+.

The Ghost perfume advert relies heavily on animation, which makes the advert come across as very surreal. It starts with a young woman running down a staircase leading to a beautiful "Ghostly World". Due to the perfume being called Ghost, the location for this advert helps anchor the theme for the perfume. The woman present in the advert also comes across as ghostly and surreal due to her reflection not matching her movements. The overall theme for the advert is very surreal with a supernatural element. This helps the advert tie in with the product and sell it to the best of its ability.

The Covet perfume ad featuring Sarah Jessica Parker uses talking heads due to Sarah Jessica Parker having a voice over during the ad and talking to the camera at the end. This creates a personal identity with the audience, allowing women to relate to Sarah Jessica Parker. The narrative for the story line is Sarah Jessica Parker coming across a perfume she desperately needs and trying to steal it only to be arrested. The narrative of the advert ties with the meaning of the name of the perfume. Covet means something that is highly desired or wanted, and the perfume comes across as this during the advert. The advert also uses star power due to Sarah Jessica Parker to be featured heavily in the advert. This futher helps promote the perfume by connoting that it is so "Coveted" that even Sarah Jessica Parker wants it. The talking head style is effectively used by using an icon like Sarah Jessica Parker informing the audience about the perfume.

Task 4:

There are usually typical codes and conventions that are seen in adverts. These include Factors of Persuasion, Lines of Appeal, Music beds, Taglines, and the Uses and Gratifications Theory. In Sarah Jessica Parkers Covet advert the lines of apeal that have been used, taken from Gillian Dyers theory, are glamourous places and elite people. And Star power has been used from Hermens theory. A music bed has been used for the advert.The music bed has also helped set the mood and tone of the advert.

This is similar to the GHD advert which has also used lines of apeal. Unlike the Covet ad, Elite people haven't been used but instead replaced with fantasy, pride and beautuful women and men. Instead of using star power, this advert effectively used reward power by teling it's audience GHD's allow you to create great hair styles. Much like the Covet ad the music bed helpes set the mood and tone of the advert, making it come across as modern, edgy and fierce.

Task 6:

ASA stands for Advertising Standards Authority and is the UK's largest independent watchdog to ensuring TV ads are to a high standard and appropriate. They do this by making sure TV Ads are within the Cap Codes. Cap Codes are a set of rule which all advertisers and media owners must stick to. This means they can't mislead viewers or air inappropriate adverts before the watershed. They must also follow certain guidelines for ads that feature Alcohol, Gambling, Motoring, Health and financial products. CAP stands for Committee of Advertising Practice and are there as a guideline for telly ads to make sure they are to an appropriate standard. ASA also deals with complaints in regards to inappropriate telly ads. Once a complaint has been made the ASA must asses the advert against the codes and then decide on the relevant course of action.

task 7:

Please refer to task 6 from my Single Camera Drama Unit.

An Audience Classification Table helps advertisers make adverts according to social class. This allows them to create adverts to a more specific target audience. Due to the audiece being more fragmented in thier viewing habbits, a Classification Table helps advertisers show the adverts on the right TV chanel or website or media device.

Task 8:

Task 9: I created a questionnaire and asked 10 people to fill it in. Once i had the correct results, i created a table to document my findings. Below is the questionnaire i created and handed out.


1) Do you prefer celebrities endorsing products in adverts?

Yes No

2) Which of these adverts do you prefer?

Cow horse Muller advert Head and Shoulders ad Rimmel London ad

3) Do you prefer adverts that are standalone or part of a series?

Stand Alone Series

4) Do you prefer realist or ant-realist adverts?

Realist Anti-Realist

5) Do you prefer chart music or custom made music in adverts.

Chart Music Custom Music

6) Do you prefer a comedic advertisement or a fact-based advertisement

Comedic Fact-Based

A table of my research findings

The results of my findings...

Do you prefer celebs endorsing products in adverts?

Do you prefer realist or Anti-realist adverts?

Task 10:

Task 11: When coming up with new adverts, TV shows or thinking up new ideas or trying them out, a focus group may be held. A focus group consists of a small group of people of the similar age and interests. The group would discuss there thoughts of the chosen topic and talk about there likes/dislikes and generally share there thoughts and ideas. The advantages of Focus groups are that they are cheap and easy to ensemble and aren't really time consuming. You leave with a good understanding of what it is that people want, allowing in that target group. However, It may be that certain people only agree with a particular thought or share there idea that is based on what other people in the focus group believe in. effectively making the focus group unreliable. Due to the audience mass being fragmented, focus groups can only be held for a small group of people with the similar interests rather than a mass audience.

We held a focus group with a small group of students ages from 16-18. In the session we watched three different adverts, and made comments on them. We discussed its likes/dislikes and what made it effective.

The first video we watched was a John Lewis advert. %90 of the group felt that it was an effective advert. Many poopled like its narrative. People commented on its narrative goal on being a journey, making people wonder what will happen in te journey. Other people commented on the way the woman was presented. She was presented as a typical every day women, therefore alowing the audience (Particularly women) to create a personal identity with her. I feel this was a very clever way of marketing as the marketed it towards the gender most likely to fo furniture shopping. Other students commented on the music bed and how it helped further set the moode and tone of the advert. Some people also felt that the narrative being presented as a journey signified that the furniture was long lasting and stayed with you for life. the other %1o who didn't like the advert felt that the adverts narrative was weak by not explaining what John Lewis did in the advert.

The second advert we saw the meerkat advert. %75 felt it was an effective advert. People commented on it being effective at first, but feeling its now stale due to it being overexposed to the audience. People liked how the advert was "adictive" and liked how meerkat was linked to market. This was a clever way of making people link meerkat to market, allowing people to constantly think of the ad, therefore creating a brand identity. Another thing popele liked was that the meerkat had a personal relationship with the audience. This is due to the meerkat having a backstory and us seeing the backstory over a series of adverts, allowing us to et to know the meerkat. The advert was also aimed at a wide audience, allowing the advert to appeal to different age groups and demographics . The negatives of the advert was that it maybe insulted the audiences intelligence, due to its simple narrative over repetitiveness. People also commented that with the repetitiveness it could become stale, and start to bore the audience.

In the evian baby ad, %15 of the group felt it was effective. people felt the use of babies made the advert funny and cute. Evians tagline "live Young" was effectively anhcored by the use of babies as it connected and meshed nicely. The negatives of the advert felt that the narrative of that advert didn't go with the overall message of the company brand. People also commented on racial stereotyping and how the asian baby had been seen promoting gang culture.

Task 12:

In terms of advertising codes, i felt the the one code we had to think about was Harm and Offence. This is because we want our advert to appeal to a wide audeice therefore tha content needs to be suitable for children as well as adults. Finding a balance and making the content to appeal to both audiences was a challange. 6.6 harm and Offence stated " Advertisers must not prejudice respect for human dignity or humiliate, stigmatise or undermine the understaninding of identifiable groups of people" To make sure we stick within the capcodes, we decided to make the advert feel very happy, talking more about the station itself and how anyone can join. We felt that having people alk to the audience showed that the station is for everyone and helped identify with the audience.

Task 13:

The genre of our advert is informative, yet fun at the same time. The content in the advert is people friendly and comes across as light hearted and fun. The narrative is simple and effective and appeals to a wide audience, due to the different age groups used. When looking at the demographic table our advert appeals to people from C2, C1, B sections. This means we cover a broad target audience, allowing us to reach out to other people.

Task 14: Initial Ideas

Task 15: Treatment

We aim to use reward power, by telling the audience that the radio station has a positive effect on people and allows them to gain new skills. The lines of appeal used would be expert to the one of our characters being a teacher. The overall style of the advert will be relaxed and informal, to appeal to the target audience and signify that the radio station is a nice positive environment. We will use talking heads for the advert and have people talk directly at the camera to create a personal identity with the viewers.
Our narrative will be simply yet effective. We envisioned the advert to have people sat in the radio room talking about there own experiences about the radio station. It will be a single strand narrative witch is linear and realist. It will be unrestricted with the audience hearing and seeing everything. The narrative pattern will be a journey due to the people learning new skills and having a great time on the radio. From our narrative we hope to inform the audience about how good the radio station is, and bring new people in to try the station out.
The characters in the advert will vary from age and year group to signify radio station being available to every one. We will have two school students, one six former and a teacher. This will show a variety of people, making the advert appeal to a wide audience. The teacher will also be an expert, who talks about how good the radio station is.
We will use a variety of shots throughout the advert. We will start with a long shot of the media room before the camera zooms in to the radio room. We will then cut to close ups of each character. Then cut to a high angle medium shot of the radio room. We will then pan out of the radio room/media room and fade to black, mirroring the shot at the start of the advert.

Task 16:Write a report with screen-shots, detailing the equipment and software you will be using and how you intend to use it.

For the advert we used various equipment/ software and people.
We filmed out advert with a Flip cam. A Flip cam is basically a mini portable camera. It’s great for on the go filming, and due to its high resolution, and great inbuilt speakers filming with a flip cam doesn’t compromise quality and stills ensures great filming. The flip cam allows you to capture dynamic various angles due to its small size. Due to the style of our advert, this was the ideal camera for us to use. We obtained this from the media department at out school.

For software we used IMovie. This was the best piece of software to use for editing our advert, and it was with this that we pieced the different shots together, edited and cut down various clips and sounds. Again, this was obtained from the Mac at school.

In terms of people being used, we had three people behind the scenes, filming and editing with four people that we used for the cast. We used one teacher, two students and one sixth former. All found from around school.

No costumes where required due to the cast already wearing outfits required to film, in terms of location we used our own radio station as that was what we where promoting. For props we sued headphones and microphones to signify that they where busy working in the radio room.

Task 17: Story Board.

Task 18: Production Table.

Task 20: Product

Task 21: Evaluation

Our purpous was to create an advert that appealed to a large target audience, and informed and entertained. We wanted to create a nice happy advert and i feel we did just that. We used variouse people, the script was well written and the overall product ws to a high standard.

We played our advert to a group of people. They felt that it promoted the station well, and showed

alot of variety due to the various different shots we used. I played the advert to a young child, and the response from him was also possotive. "I think the way the people talk to the camera makes me feel like theyre talking to me. I feel connected. It makes me want to go on that radio station.". Many poeple also commented on the music bed stating that it elovated the mood of the advert.

Our advert gave out many positive messages. We wern't particularly biased due to there experiences on

the radio being genuine. to appeal to both genders, we used both boys and girls. However we didn't really think about

using different ethnic groups. This is something we will think about next time.

From making this advert, i learned how to use a flipcam, and how capcodes are important things to think about. I became really confident

with using IMovie and have started to show great flare with different camera angles.

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